
Admin of the Month: Janeth Zafra-Mauricio

June 7, 2024


Janeth Zafra-Mauricio, Executive Assistant to the VP And Executive Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Our Admin of the Month for June 2024 is Janeth Zafra-Mauricio, Executive Assistant to the VP And Executive Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Check out Janeth's advice video below! 

How didyou get in the AdministrativeFieldand how has your role changedsince being in the profession? 

I applied for a Management Assistant role at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in 2017. Being an immigrant, it was not an easy attempt. I applied three times in various departments before the Director of Labor and Delivery, Susan Hawkes, hired me. I made an impression by creating a Daily Staffing Sheet Tool Online (DSS Tool), which the department still utilizes to this day.  

In February 2019, I got promoted to Lead Administrative Assistant. As a result, I made sure to always go above and beyond expectations by pursuing self-development courses and taking lead on various programs and events. I maintained a culture of teamwork and accountability in the division. I was fearless in giving innovative proposals on improvements of processes/workflows and was grateful for the empowerment and stellar support extended by my Executive Director, Peachy Hain. It was also Peachy who inspired me to take initiative of various programs and events, such as the MD-RN Collaborative, Schwartz Rounds, National Doctors’ Day, Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, and Filipino-American History Month (FAHM) celebrations.  

Earlier this year, I got promoted to Executive Assistant. My current boss/executive leader, Vice President Nicole Anderson Leonard, has opened a broader opportunity by allowing me to take the PACE exam offered by ASAP and become a certified administrative professional. She has also given me the amazing opportunity of assisting her in launching The StoryLab: HERStory” and organizing the “Arts Week 2024” in our medical center.  

What is your favorite part of the job? 

From among the variousobligations required of me as an administrative professional, I am delighted to be given leadership and organization-based tasks, especially event planning. I am also fascinated by thetask of managing my executive’s calendar. As a highly organizedindividual, I am sensitive to details. This allows our business to run effortlesslybecause ofmystrictmonitoring and compliance with schedules. 

What are you most proud of as an Admin? 

I take pridein my ability to create harmonious, hassle-free communication from superiors to subordinates, thus ensuring daily business tasks and operations run efficiently and as planned. This means that I can contribute to the whole of my organization by allowing Cedars-Sinaito maintain its organizeddelivery and discharge of services, as it always has. 

How has ASAP supported your personal and professional growth? 

Personally, the American Society of Administrative Professionals(ASAP) has allowed me to discover more of my potential and go beyond the expectations of my original job description.In fact,ASAP’s supportand various resources is what convinced me togive this Executive Assistant position a chance.  

I continually check on the ASAP website for interesting and helpful articles that could be applicable to improve my organization, inter-disciplinary, technical, marketing, communication and other skills pertinent to my role. These resources have helped improve my ability to generate multiple ideas when I need a solution to handle a new task or problem. 

What is your professional superpower? 

I am driven by challenge and am motivated to perform tasks out of the box. Since my highschool years,I have always strived to be bold, go beyond the confines ofmy faculty, andaspire to learn more.I am fond of difficulty and take pride in finding never-seen-before solutions! 

More About Janeth:

Janeth Zafra-Mauricio assiststhe Vice President and Executive Vice Dean of Academic Affairs of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, who happens to also bethe Research Integrity Officer of the organization.Hersuperb organization ofthe most recently concluded Arts Week 2024yielded inher receipt of special mentions and praisesfrom core executive leaders, medical practitioners, well known musicians and performers, and colleagues. 

Adiligentandadaptive learner,Mauricioexemplifiesa commendable“can-do-attitude,asserting herself toalways function at the highest level. She neveradheres to thestatus quo and is alwaysexploring ways to make her work better.  

Truly dedicatedto her craft, Janeth is an accomplished employee and has been the recipient of Cedars-Sinai's prestigious President’s Award and Friends of Nursing Award in 2020 and 2021. She was also nominated for the “My Socal Hospital Heroes” award in 2023 for her contributions and unparalleled support during the Covid-19 pandemic and is an officer for the Fil-Am CARES Employee Resource Group. In addition, Janeth mentors several Senior Administrative Assistants and continually serves as a resource person due to her expertise and experience. She is an honorary member of Trendsetters and a current member of Toastmasters International, too.  

Janeth is a mother of a US navy nurse corps officer, a wife to a professional healthcare worker, a Christian church event leader, an advocate of “God Bless Pa More” (a group that supports community members with hypertension and diabetes), a loving daughter, and a generous friend.  

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