
Get Your Executive to LET GO and Stop Micromanaging

June 15, 2021


A micromanager will constantly remind you about what you need to do. They will want you to check in and give them updates about what you are working on. Some want to get so involved in your work they end up taking over.

Letting go is difficult to do for an executive who is a micromanager. For an assistant, the micromanaging can be quite demoralizing and will, in one way, or another, affect your performance. Help your executive to let go and not micromanage with these effective tips

Keep Them In The Loop

Some executives come across as micromanagers because they are not getting the information they need from you when they need it. Check in frequently and always keep your executive in the loop. You should pay particular attention to information that has a direct impact on your executive’s current workload.

Give your executive exactly what they want. Do check-ins, send updates and reports. If your boss is up-to-date with the current status of the assignments that you are handling, then they are more likely to ease up and not micromanage you.

Is It You?

Look inward and find out whether you are contributing to your executive’s excessive micromanaging. In some instances, an executive’s micromanaging may stem from their expectations not being met. It is for this reason that you should ensure your performance is up to par.

Have an honest conversation about expectations and ask for a critique of your performance. Consistently work towards improving the quality of your work, build your executive’s trust and confidence in your abilities and they may ease up on the micromanaging. If there is a skill that you are lacking, invest in some professional training.

Your executive may let up with the micromanaging if you are on the same page about what the bigger picture is all about. Know this bigger picture, and most importantly, understand your role in helping your executive to make a reality out of this bigger picture.

Talk About It

Leverage your communication skills and address the problem head-on with your executive. In the most respectful way, talk about how the micromanaging is affecting your performance and morale at work. Openly discuss how being allowed to operate with more autonomy can help you to do your job better.

Some executives do not even realize that they are micromanaging until you explicitly point it out to them. A frank discussion about how their actions are affecting your work may just be what it takes to help your executive to let go.

Mirror Your Boss

It's comforting and reassuring to see your behavior mirrored by others. This is another reason why you should invest in getting to know your executive better. Observe their patterns, and learn their communication style.

Your boss likes things done a particular way, and that is no doubt how they are doing it themselves. If you can mirror it, then you can be sure they’ll not be hovering over you. The executive will perceive themselves as having mentored you and this, in itself, will inspire the kind of confidence that will have your boss leaving you to work autonomously.

Organically-Built Trust

Trust doesn't happen overnight. Your executive will not suddenly stop micromanaging you. If you can gradually build their trust and earn their confidence, you can be sure that it won’t take too long. Keep them in the loop, improve your skills, and prove yourself as the asset you are and you will be able to earn your executive’s trust. Over time, they will let you operate more independently, and trust that you're keeping things on track however you do them.

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