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A portfolio is necessary at any stage of your career – whether you’re just starting out, looking to change jobs, or have worked in the same field for decades. It’s invaluable during a job search, performance review, or when you’re asking for a raise or a promotion. And it’s a great resource if your dream job suddenly becomes available!
During this course, we’ll teach you how to:
Create an online-safe version of your resume to use on your digital portfolio site.
Set up your digital portfolio website using (free platform).
Create pages and add content to your digital portfolio.
Turn work samples into a self-guided tour for anyone who views your digital portfolio.
Present your digital portfolio in interviews, performance reviews, and more!
As a participant, you’ll receive:
A weekly plan of action to keep you on track.
Portfolio assembly templates to save you time and effort.
Brainstorming list of 40+ items you might include.
Specific work sample examples.
Let’s get started creating your digital portfolio!